I've come to feel like something of an expert on indigo children characteristics, seeing as I am one. We use the term 'Children' but in this day we Indigos are no longer children, we are adults. Very often we began our journey being the first to hear the tern ADHD and ADD, most believe that using the term Indigo Child is a way to avoid the pharmaceutical revolution of this area. Indigo's are very intuitive and have a strong sense of knowing the future. Let's say John Doe has been on my mind all day, more then likely I will get a call from him. Or if someone comes and asks for a Tarot Reading, by the end of the reading I am sitting over my cards giving them the information I receive intuitively. Did I mention it's impossible to lie to an Indigo? You might be able to hide something for a short time but we'll always find out!
You'll be hearing the term 'Crystal Children' in the near future, seeing that those born to the Indigo Child are going to be Crystal Children. In the year 2013 Crystal Children are between the ages 0-7 years of age, but this another story.

The conventional list of indigo children characteristics mentions:
ADD like characteristics – indigo children might find it hard to focus on one thing for a long time, but this could be interpreted as being highly strung or perhaps just particular about how they spend their time as much as a “disorder”System busting characteristics – indigo children have problems going along with meaningless systems and work to break them down.A characteristic strong sense of justiceA feeling of not being “from here”ImpatienceCharacteristic intense emotions and sensitivity – indigo children and adults can be happy, sad, joyful or angry more intensely than anyone canA characteristic strong will and innate sense of self esteem. While indigo children can get down on themselves sometimes, especially if they are hit hard by life, they are naturally unwilling to get into any sort of power play and display strong self esteem when put into an inferior position. Because our very society is based on structures of superiority and inferiority, indigo children are often rebellious and struggle to find a way of living that feels right for them.Related to this, indigo children are said to have the characteristic of feeling inside like kings or queens. (I definitely do. People have said I talk and act in a "regal" manner).Indigo Children have the characteristic of feeling a sense of having a grand purpose in life, even if they don't know what it is.Indigo Children are often loners and often prefer to be the leaders of groups if they are not loners.Indigo Children have the characteristic of being very creative, and often very expressive through their sexuality and humour too. They tend to be passionate and very good at multiple things, and can be labelled as “gifted children”. They don't always do well in school, though.Besides these conventionally mentioned characteristics, I'll add a few more which I've noticed:Indigos tend to be very unhappy as children and are often born into traumatic circumstances. They might have illnesses or be the victims of abuse. I think there isn't one indigo who I've gotten to know who didn't have a rough time as a child. They also often have a hard time as adults, but can grow to be the most balanced, happy and spiritual people you'll ever meet.Indigo children are compulsively authentic, and find it very hard to maintain a social mask. As the convential list of characteristics mentions, indigo children are also very good at seeing through the social masks of othersIndigo children often don't do well at school, despite their characteristic giftedness. They just don't fit into the system.Indigo children prefer deep interactions and eschew shallow ones. This (combined with the sensitivity) is what causes them to be loners most of the time. It also brings indigo children to look for older company, and even later on in life they tend to have friends as well as romantic partners who are older than them.Indigo adults have the unusual characteristic of finding their twin flame more frequently than other people do. This very rare occurrence is something around 10-20% in the case of indigos.Indigos are sensitive to the toxins in their food and tend towards vegetarianism and veganism. I'd say more than 50% of awakened indigos are vegan, and those who aren't are usually close to it.
Those indigos who don't wake up to being conscious about their diet often experience strong illnesses.
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