Monday, April 14, 2014

Why the Minor Arcana is So Important

Most relate this section of the Tarot with Today’s playing cards; with slight differences we have Wands (sometimes called Batons), Swords, Cups (Chalices), or Pentacles (Coins). These cards are able to give the reader a few more details in which are not located in the Major Arcana for example: If in a 7 card spread the enquirer happens to get 5 of the Major Arcana this could indicate the enquirer has way too many outsiders making choices controlling the enquirer’s life.

Along with the numbered cards in the suit there are the Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages. These usually allow the Reader to dive into a little more detail painting a clearer picture for the enquirer, such as; The Page of Cups, cups being feminine and a page usually being a child under the age of 22 often it is appropriate to interpret this card meaning as the enquirer has a female child. However you can’t always use this method due to people’s living circumstances this card can also mean a niece or baby sister. Rightfully so this is where your card combinations can be extremely helpful. The numbered cards in the deck often tell of events that have passed or what are to come. Take the 6 of swords for example: This card often means the enquirer is planning a move or vacation the rest of the reading may tell you why, if this move is the correct choice or just a geographical cure.


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